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How to cancel Beauty Pie


If you're wondering how to cancel your Beauty Pie membership, you've come to the right place. Below we'll explore the reasons why you might want to cancel, the steps to follow, and what to expect after cancellation.

We'll also recommend some alternatives to Beauty Pie, delve into common issues faced when cancelling, discuss how to get a refund, and offer some tips on getting the most out of your cancelled subscription before it ends. Finally, we'll examine whether it's worth re-activating your subscription in the future. So, let's get started.

Let Little Birdie Cancel Beauty Pie for You

Download the Little Birdie App to automatically cancel your Beauty Pie Subscription.


Here are the steps on how to cancel your Beauty Pie membership:

**1. **Log in to your Beauty Pie account.

**2. **Click on the "My Account" tab.

**3. **Scroll down to the "Membership" section.

**4. **Click on the "Cancel Membership" button.

**5. **Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the cancellation.

You can also cancel your Beauty Pie membership by contacting customer service.

Customer service:

  • Phone: +44 20 3811 0999

  • Email: [email protected]

If you cancel your Beauty Pie membership within the first 14 days of purchase, you will be entitled to a full refund. After the 14-day period, you will not be entitled to a refund.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when cancelling your Beauty Pie membership:

  • If you cancel your membership, you will lose any unused benefits.

  • If you have any outstanding orders, you will need to cancel them before you can cancel your membership.

  • If you cancel your membership, you will need to remove your Beauty Pie app from your devices.

Why you might want to cancel your Beauty Pie membership

There are several reasons why you may want to cancel your Beauty Pie membership. Perhaps you're not using the products as much as you thought you would, or you've simply lost interest in the service. Maybe you're on a tight budget and need to cut expenses, or you've found similar products elsewhere for a better price. Whatever your reason, it's essential to assess your needs and priorities before making a final decision.

Alternatives to Beauty Pie for beauty product enthusiasts

If you're looking for similar services to Beauty Pie, there are several options worth exploring. Some popular choices include Sephora, Glossier, and Birchbox. Each offers its own unique perks and benefits, so be sure to research thoroughly before deciding on a new subscription.

This blog post has provided you with the steps on how to cancel your Beauty Pie membership. You can cancel your membership online or by contacting customer service.

If you cancel your membership within the first 14 days of purchase, you will be entitled to a full refund. After the 14-day period, you will not be entitled to a refund.

Please keep in mind that if you cancel your membership, you will lose any unused benefits and outstanding orders. You will also need to remove your Beauty Pie app from your devices.


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