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How to cancel Amazon Subscribe and Save


Are you a regular user of Amazon's Subscribe and Save Program?

This program is quite popular among Amazon users as it allows them to receive regular deliveries of their favorite products without the hassle of placing an order each time.

However, there may be instances where you may want to cancel your subscription. Perhaps you don't need those products anymore, or you want to try something new.

Whatever the reason may be, cancelling your Subscribe and Save subscription is a straightforward process that we will guide you through step by step.

Here are the steps on how to cancel Amazon Subscribe & Save:

  1. Go to your Amazon account.

  2. Click on Your Memberships & Subscriptions.

  3. Click on Manage Subscription next to the Subscribe & Save item you want to cancel.

  4. Click on Cancel subscription.

  5. Select a cancellation reason.

  6. Click on Cancel my subscription.

Your Amazon Subscribe & Save subscription will end at the end of your current billing period. You will no longer have access to the discounted prices or free shipping benefits.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when cancelling Amazon Subscribe & Save:

  • If you cancel your subscription before your minimum subscription period is over, you may have to pay an early termination fee.

  • You can also skip a delivery if you don't need it. To do this, go to the Manage Subscription page for the item you want to skip and click on Skip delivery.

  • If you have any problems cancelling your subscription, you can contact Amazon customer service for help.

Here are the contact details for Amazon customer service:

How to Ensure That Your Amazon Subscribe and Save Subscription is Successfully Cancelled

Once you have cancelled your Amazon Subscribe and Save subscription, it is important to ensure that the cancellation is successful.

You can check this by visiting the "Your Subscribe and Save Items" page and verifying that your cancelled item is no longer listed. Additionally, you should receive an email confirmation of the cancellation.

Your Amazon Subscribe & Save subscription will end at the end of your current billing period. You will no longer have access to the discounted prices or free shipping benefits.


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