Trading & Investments
Trading & Investments comparison from Little Birdie can help you save you money in all sorts of places - you don't even need to have the app!
Share trading fees just £4.95.
Free investment coaching.
Low-cost ready-made portfolios.
Capital at risk, tax rules apply

Share trading fees just £4.95.
Free investment coaching.
Low-cost ready-made portfolios.
Capital at risk, tax rules apply

Share trading fees just £4.95.
Free investment coaching.
Low-cost ready-made portfolios.
Capital at risk, tax rules apply

Share trading fees just £4.95.
Free investment coaching.
Low-cost ready-made portfolios.
Capital at risk, tax rules apply

Join the UK’s number 1 platform for private investors
Investing can sound mystifying at first. But it can be easier than you think.
By taking your first steps with HL, you could give yourself a better chance of growing your money over the long term. In fact, for 91% of 10-year periods, investments in shares have done better than holding cash. The sooner you get started, the longer your investments have to help with your future plans.
Investments can fall as well as rise in value, so you could get back less than you invest.

Buy bitcoin & crypto
Grow your portfolio in a fair and open financial system.
Buy crypto in minutes
Step 1
Create your free Kraken account
Step 2
Connect your funding method
Step 3
Buy and sell 200+ cryptocurrencies

Build your portfolio from a single app, designed for the forward-thinking investor.
Access new wealth opportunities.
Explore the growth potential of your digital assets